The Attendance Policy is currently under review. Policy revisions will occur starting the Fall of 2016.
Current policy applies until the School Board adopts policy amendments. Regular attendance is essential if students are to receive the maximum benefits from their classes and teachers. Chronic absence interrupts the education of the absent students and it also takes time away from other students and the teacher. Salk Middle School will make every effort to encourage regular attendance, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the students and their parents/guardians.
All absences require a note, phone call or fax from the parent/guardian verifying that he/she is aware of the absence. All absences are considered unexcused until the school has been notified. Please call before the start of school if your child will be absent or tardy for any reason. Absences such as over-sleeping, missing the bus, babysitting, car trouble etc., are considered unexcused. In order to make this process as convenient as possible, parents/guardians may use the following method to notify the school of their child’s absence:
Calling the attendance answering service available 24 hours a day at 763-241-3455 - prompt #1. * Parents may also call the District Attendance line at 763-241-3555.
Coming to the school to report the absence.
When reporting an absence, please include the following information:
Child’s name with spelling;
Date of absence;
Reason for absence;
Name of person reporting the absence.
Any student knowing that he/she will be absent must notify the Attendance Secretary in the office in advance. This includes vacations. Advance make-up slips must be obtained from the school office.
District policy states a doctor’s note will be required for absences that extend beyond three (3) consecutive days or ten (10) total absences due to medical reasons.
When absences continue without proper cause, the school will attempt to work with parents to improve the situation. According to state law, schools are mandated to file truancy papers with the county after 7 unexcused absences. An unexcused absence includes a missed hour/s of a day which accumulate over 7 different days. A doctor’s note may be required after 10 absences of any kind. In extreme cases the school may contact county or other social agencies for help.
If a student is absent one day, he/she will be given up to two days to complete missed assignments per teacher discretion.
Students must have a doctor’s statement to be excused from physical education for an extended period of time. The school nurse or health clerk may approve a one-day excuse if a note from home is presented.
Homework Requests- For student absences of less than two school days, families are encouraged to check teacher websites and email teachers directly to learn what was missed during the student absence. Homework may be requested for students who are absent two FULL school days by calling the main office number. In order for teachers to have time to collect assignments, requests must be made prior to 8:45 a.m. Homework will be available between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. in the office. When requesting homework, please provide the name of student and the dates of absences. If a sibling or another student is picking up the homework, please give the name of that student so we can make a note on the request that it will be picked up at the end of the school day. Parents/Guardians are responsible for making arrangements with the sibling or student to pick up the work.
Early Release- If a student needs to be released early for appointments, family trips, etc.; parents/guardians are asked to notify the school. The student should bring a note to the office in the morning and obtain an Off Site Building Pass to present to his/her teacher for release. The parent/guardian MUST meet his/her student in the office to sign them out. If someone other than the parent/guardian will be picking a student up, the office will need to be notified ahead of time. This can be written in the note for early release.
Skipping– Leaving school grounds after arriving by any mode of transportation, or any unexcused absence from class or school can be dealt with as a skip. General guidelines are 2 hours of detention for every class period missed and no credit for class work missed. A whole day would result in a one day in-school suspension.
Closed Campus– SMS has a closed campus. Students who come on to the school property or into the building are not permitted to leave without proper authorization. Leaving without proper authorization is considered skipping school.
Tardiness– Students will be expected to arrive to their classes on time and bring required material(s) with them. Students who are tardy three times to class will be put on pass restriction and on the fourth tardy will be referred for one hour of detention. Each additional tardy will result in an additional hour of detention being assigned. This policy resets at the beginning of each quarter. If you arrive late to school, report to the office. Your tardy will be unexcused until the office receives verification from a parent/guardian with an acceptable explanation for your absence. Tardy incidents to school do not roll over at the quarter break like tardy incidents to class do. Detention is assigned for each tardy to school, beginning with the fifth tardy.