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REAL Expectations

REAL Matrix

During the beginning of the school year, staff will be sharing details with your children about keeping it REAL

Through this program we explicitly teach all students the behaviors that we want them to demonstrate.  We talk at length about being Respectful, commiting to Educational Excellence, Attitude, and Loyalty in all settings of the school building.  In addition, students receive ongoing positive encouragement from staff members by earning REAL Tickets.  These tickets can be collected by students to “cash in” at our school store during the day.  Some examples of the items that can be earned with REAL tickets are front of the lunch line passes, two minutes out early from class on Friday, special seating in the lunchroom with friends, or the opportunity to go to the gym during lunch.  

We will continue to seek ideas from students for rewards they would like to earn.  We want our focus to be on recognizing individual students and groups as a whole for doing what is right within the building and for contributing to a positive learning environment. Please see the overall REAL ehavior expectations matrix in the student’s handbook located in the front of the planner.